Sometimes Sweet, Sometimes Sour... Always Pickledsilly
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
The only thing that you can not get back is wasted time
I heard someone this week make this comment.
I guess it is this time of year, where we reflect on the past and plan for the future that made that comment stick in my head.
It really has got me thinking about what is a waste of time.
The only thing that I would say is really a waste of time for me, is time spent worrying.
I can’t say the mistakes I have made were a waste of time, because almost always I learned something from them.
I can’t say that the time I spent relaxing is a waste of time, because for the most part, I work more than I should.
The only thing that I truly know I waste time on is the time I spend worrying.
As a mother, I find it hard to ever really believe that I am doing well if our kids are not doing well. A part of my brain is focused on what else I can do to help, and the older our kids get, the more I understand that prayers are really my best option.
As an employee, if I am not ahead on a project, a part of my brain is working on how I can get there.
I am thankful that I do not worry about my husband, as he is a source of strength for me.
If speaking a promise to oneself will make one change, then here is what I would tell myself.
Stop wasting time worrying. You can not get this time back. Celebrate everything that happens. Remember that no one can take something from you that God intends for you to have.
Be at peace in all things. Be a source of joy to all who meet you.
Today is my wonderful husband's birthday. He is 41 years today. In honor of his birthday, I thought I would give just a few of the reasons why I love him so much. For those of you who know him, I am sure you will have many more reasons to list as well.
Happy Birthday Babe!
41. Great Legs 40. The look he gets on his face when he eats a Gummy Bear 39. Where he grew up 38. How he treats the people who helped him grow up 37. His sautéed mushrooms 36. His ability to get me to try mushrooms when I was convinced I did not like them 35. Who he was at 35 when he asked me to marry him. 34. His signs that he painted in his hometown 24 years ago that he is still known for 33. His acts of honesty 35 years ago that his grade school teachers still remember 32. His ability to keep a friend like Tiny through thick and thin. 31. His love of vacuuming 30. The look on his face when he irons 29. His ability to copy all my best dance moves 28. His ability to dance like no one is watching 27. His expectation that everyone will be 26. Who he was at 26 when I first met him 25. His patience for our sons now 25 and 26 24. The 24 moths he asked me out before I said yes 23. His believe that I never stood a chance of not saying yes 22. How he decorated my desk on my birthdays 21. The look on his face when he played the slot machine in Tunica 20. How he slices a piece of steak 19. How he savors every bite 18. How well he knows himself 17. How well he understands others 16. His strong arms 15. How his hand reaches for mine even though he never liked holding hands 14. The way he sings the "Roouh, Roouh, Rouuh" Song first sung by his Great Grandfather 13. That he was born on a day that people think is unlucky 12. That nearly everyone who meets him thinks they are lucky to have had the chance 11. His pancakes 10. His willingness to eat any of my cooking after eating my pancakes 9. The way he looks when he plays with our nieces and nephews 8. The way he looks when he gives advice to his brothers and sisters 7. His friendship with the Ya-Ya’s 6. How he helps everyone he works with 5. How he always makes me look good 4. How much he loves his Dad and mine 3. How much he loves our sons 2. How he looks at me 1. How he remembers to pray
Looking forward to seeing your face when you take your flying lesson tomorrow!
I am have been blessed with a sweet, talented, sexy husband. We have two sons that will leave a dynamic mark on the world.
We have between us four sisters and four brothers who have given us four nephews and five nieces.
We love spontanious times together, creative times filled with new concepts and most of all being there for our families when we can.